' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.09.17 at 14:34 (Coordinated Universal Time) ' A QB64 program by SupremoZanne ' Ported to BAM by Charlie Veniot ' Changes and additions noted with a 🟠SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(300, 272, 27) ' 🟠: Added screen mode ' From SupremoZanne: ' made using QB64 ' ' Now, remember, its not just always about showing off the image itself. ' ' but also, the code used to output the image. ' ' HEXADECIMAL numbers are more powerful than you think they are! ' ' DIM a$(20) DATA ....,...*,..*.,..**,.*..,.*.*,.**.,.***,*...,*..*,*.*.,*.**,**..,**.*,***.,**** FOR z = 0 TO 15 READ a$(z) NEXT DATA FFFFFFFF DATA FFE00FFF DATA FF8FE3FF DATA FF3FF8FF DATA FC7FFE7F DATA F1DFFB3F DATA E7FFFFBF DATA EFFFFF9F DATA E7FFFFDF DATA F7DFF3DF DATA F3CFE79F DATA F9E00FBF DATA FE7FFF3F DATA FF1FFCFF DATA FFC001FF DATA FFFFFFFF ' 🟠BAM's hex numbers, as numeric types are prefixed with &h, but as string types are prefixed with 0x FOR y = 1 TO 16 READ b$ FOR x = 0 TO LEN(b$) c = VAL("0x" + MID$(b$, x, 1)) PRINT a$(c); NEXT PRINT NEXT